A web serial over 10 Episodes, Broken England is a story of Drugs, young love, Religion and family loyalties, throw in a bit of violence and revenge. A young couple Billy and Alisha, all they want is to be together but because they are from different backgrounds/Religions they are kept apart by their families. They meet in secret but get found out and Billy finds out something that rocks his entire world.

  • The Devil is in the Detail.

    — Family Ties.

Cast & Crew


              Liam Olsen
              Daniel P McCready
              Mahsa Bahray
              George Gannon
              Umer Farooqq
              Sarah Jane Nichols
              Rod Glenn
              Karl Boyd
              Soloman Vutabwarover
              David Ross
              Hayley Grant
              Dennis Baer
              Amy Ormston
              Philip Routledge
              Enzo Bivona
              Big Mick
              Steven ramage
              Stuart Ferrol
              Jamie Welch
              Simon Hodgson
              Charelle McCready
              Shaye McCready
              Mahdi Bahary